CHESS reviewed by Chicago Concert Reviews

The good folks at Chicago Concert Reviews were kind enough to make the drive up to Antioch and review our latest production, Chess.

As Andy Argyrakis points out in his review, few companies, professional or otherwise, have taken up the challenge of Chess but that didn’t daunt PM&L! Andy praises the creative use of our “picturesque space” and many of the performances.

Check out the full review for more details!

1 thought on “CHESS reviewed by Chicago Concert Reviews”

  1. What an incredible achievement! It’s heartening to see PM&L boldly embrace challenges and deliver a noteworthy performance of Chess. Kudos to the team for utilizing the picturesque space creatively, and a special shoutout to the talented individuals who brought the characters to life. Chicago Concert Reviews’ recognition is well-deserved. Keep raising the bar and shining on that stage!

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